Transport service creation and optimization solution

The construction of a transport offer requires to take into account many parameters and involves several stages, dependent on each other: management of stops (physical and logical), management of lines, updating of timetables ... And of course it a solution is needed which can bring all the mobility offers present in the same territory into coherence. TransTools is a mobility offer construction solution that takes all of these needs into account in a complete and ergonomic interface.

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Creation and modification of the theoretical offer

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Intelligent creation and modification of timetables


Stops Management

Stops can be organized by import or by direct entry on the card. Updating is made easier by many features available in the tool.

Routes Management

TransTools makes route production easier than ever. The editor module allows users to import existing data or start entirely from scratch. Place a few stops on the map, add them to a route and you start to automatically see the shape of your route!

Schedules Management

Use an integrated spreadsheet optimized for transit times. For example, you can duplicate a trip and compensate for it over time. You can even copy and paste time points directly from spreadsheets on your local machine, with validation of timetables.

Multimodal data

TransTools' fine-grained user management system makes it easy for partner organizations to access TC data stream subsets that they need to read, write, or as an administrator. Multi-carrier CT data flow.

Version management

A data validation and versioning tool is integrated into Transtools. If an operator finds a problem in his flow, he can modify it, make sure that he passes validation and test it in the trip planner, without having to wait for staff to manually deploy the data on the servers.


With TransTools Statistics, you can easily create multiple transport scenarios, measure and compare the impact of different investments in terms of accessibility. You can focus on changes to a specific location, interactively viewing the accessible area (isochrones) and the number of opportunities accessible from that location as the travel time limit increases.

Deployment to a route planner

TransTools allows users to easily send new TC data streams to a route planner for planning multimodal trips.

Application areas


Management of all partner flows and implementation of management by agency

Management of new offers

Creation or modification of lines during exceptional events and send them to the multimodal route planner.

Automation of route layout drawings

TransTools allows you to modify the routes automatically or semi-automatically so that the routes follow the road.